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How Dental Implant Treatment Works | Ocala FL

dental implant treatment

Dental implant treatment is one of the best options to replace one or more missing teeth, with over 98% of patients getting satisfactory results. 

However, much of this success depends on the patient having enough bone tissue to bond firmly to the implant. If you don’t have enough bone tissue, perhaps due to bone resorption for staying with a gap for too long, then your dentist may recommend another procedure called bone grafting or bone augmentation to build up your bone tissue before implant placement. The health of the remaining teeth and gums is also important for a successful procedure. 

The Procedure 

If dental implant treatment is right for you, then the dentist will take X-rays of the site and prepare models of the teeth. These will be used to formulate a treatment plan detailing the steps of your treatment, time frames, and associated costs. 

The implant is surgically placed in the position of a tooth root so it connects to the jawbone. It takes a few months for the implant to bond to the bone tissue, after which the crown can be attached to it to give you a new artificial tooth. 

The three steps are as follows of a dental implant are:

Step 1: Titanium Implant Placement 

During the first procedure, the oral surgeon makes a small cut in the gum where the tooth will be placed. Next, a hole will be drilled in the bone tissue and the implant placed, after which the incision will be stitched closed. You may wear temporary dentures or bridgework as the site heals. 

Step 2: Attaching the Abutment 

After three to six months, within which time the implant will have bonded with the bone tissue, the second procedure will take place. This involves making another cut in the gum tissue to expose the top part of the titanium implant. A collar (healing cap) is screwed onto the top of the implant to facilitate healing of the surrounding tissue. The cap is removed after several weeks and the abutment, usually made of porcelain, titanium, or gold, is attached to the implant with a screw, so it projects above the gum line to receive the crown. 

Step 3: The Crown 

The crown can then be attached to finish the tooth replacement process. The porcelain replacement tooth is cemented or screwed onto the abutment to fill the gap in your smile. 

Final Note 

The implant process takes place over several months, usually 5 to 9 months. Please keep in mind that there’s a faster way to get implants, where the mini-implants and crown are placed simultaneously in one appointment. Make sure to discuss any concerns you may have with your dentist in Ocala, FL before the dental implant treatment begins. 

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